All about Triple X (3EX) diamonds – The blast of overwhelming X-factor

Posted by Hari Krishna

February 15, 2021

Perfection voices the outcome, but excellence voices the execution. Triple X diamonds are all about excellence.


Wondering how? Continue reading to find out.


The term ‘Triple X diamonds’ refers to the round brilliant-cut diamonds graded with Excellent Cut, Excellent Symmetry, and Excellent Polish on their quality grading reports.







(Caption: Round Triple EX Diamond of D Color FL quality 6.01 carats at HK)


Although any grading labs do not use this term in their grading reports, it is popular in diamond trading. But often, people get confused about how it matters if it is a 3EX diamond or not?


Well, here we are to clear all your doubts regarding Triple X diamonds, their anatomy, and Things to consider while buying Triple X diamonds. So, let’s find out!

Understanding Triple X diamonds

As stated, Triple X Diamond is a trade term for diamonds graded with the highest quality grade, i.e., Excellent in cut, symmetry, and polish by a gemological laboratory (where X is an acronym for Excellent).



The cut, symmetry, and polish grades of diamonds show the skill and expertise (of both man and machine) utilized in diamond cutting and polishing.


Top-notch craftsmanship in diamond cutting and polishing brings maximum fire, scintillation, and brilliance to the polished diamond. Let’s see how.


Excellent Cut


The diamond-cut consists of the angle, size, and arrangements of all diamond facets (crown, table, pavilion, girdle, etc.).


In the overall diamond cut grading, the quality of all its facets proportions to each other are subject to careful consideration.



In an excellent cut diamond, its height and width should be equal. So the diamond is neither too shallow nor too deep and neither too wide nor too narrow.


An excellent cut diamond gives off intense brightness, sparkle, and fire with an even pattern of light and dark areas (scintillation), which is the reason why Triple X diamonds show an extra sparkle.


Excellent Symmetry


Symmetry is nothing but the accuracy of a diamond shape, i.e., how well-aligned all its facets are and how identical (in shape, size, and proportion) the similar diamond-facets.


In a diamond with excellent symmetry,


All of its facets should meet at the girdle.

The points of the kite-shaped crown facets should align with the points of the wedge-shaped pavilion facets.

The large octagonal table facet should be well-centered.

The pavilion facets at the bottom should meet at a perfect point at the diamond culet.


An excellent symmetry enhances the light return in the diamond and makes it look more harmonious.


Excellent Polish


Polish is the finish and smoothness of the diamond surface. Often, diamond polishing leaves small marks, such as pits and polish lines on its facets. These can be removed through re-polishing.


Although polish-marks are not visible through the naked eyes, having a considerable number of polish-marks on the diamond surface will reduce its sparkle.


A diamond with excellent polish grade has no polish marks on its surface, even under 10× magnification.

Are Triple X diamonds rare?

Well, not really. With technological advancements, increased insights into the diamond manufacturing process, and increased consumer demand, the Triple X diamonds are not so rare to find.


There are standardized and documented ideal cutting proportions and parameters for brilliant round-cut diamonds, which generates the scintillation patterns like 3EX diamonds.


These defined ideal proportions and parameters have become widespread in the industry, and diamond manufacturers use these standards to achieve Triple X quality-grading. Hence, Triple X diamonds have become not so rare to find.

Are Triple X diamonds the highest quality diamonds?

Well, diamond quality is not only defined by its cut, polis, and symmetry. It measured holistically considering its color, clarity, fluorescence, etc.


Hence, it would not always be true to consider Triple X diamonds of the highest quality diamonds. A Triple X diamond of lower clarity grade looks dull compared to a Very Good cut diamond with a lower clarity grade.


Also, to achieve an excellent cut grade, it is not always necessary to achieve excellent-grade symmetry and polish. Diamonds with good/very-good symmetry/polish can also grade as an excellent cut-grade.


In addition to that, Triple X diamonds, in general, costs much higher. There are so many reasons behind that, such as it takes more time, more rough, and a higher skill set to craft a triple X diamond.


Diamonds of an excellent cut grade and good/very-good symmetry/polish cost less than Triple X diamonds, providing all the other characteristics are the same.


Also, you might not even notice the difference between the two through naked eyes. However, price does not matter much to the cognize buyers.


After all, the term Triple X is enough to tell how skillfully the diamond is crafted. So what are you waiting for? Explore your favorite Triple X diamonds now only on HK.CO.


Browse 40,000+ diamonds inventory at


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